Dictionary of the Khazar
Goose on a String Theatre
Friday 27. 5. 2022
Goose on a String Theatre

Genre: Drama, Brno showcase
Running time: 2 hours and 20 minutes, with intermission

Subtitles in English

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They were among the most influential powers in Eastern Europe. Swords ruled, with seven kinds of salt and dreams. An elite among nomadic nations, an island of diversity between Christian and Islamic powers. The Khazars. They climbed to the top, and then they just disappeared. Outwitted. Their language is heard only in the singing of the most educated Mediterranean parrots. Only a dictionary is left. But no one’s seen them for years either.

Conflicting evidence about their existence and the nature of this curious nation is presented by a reconstruction of the famous touring museum exhibition: On the history and disappearance of the Khazar empire. It burned down almost forty years ago in unexplained circumstances during transport to Poland. But with the care of an international scientific team, they have managed to restore it almost entirely and it is reopening to the public to learn about our future through a look into the past. A famous novel-lexicon, consisting of Christian, Islamic, and Hebrew books, as an irrepressibly figurative story about the ancient search for lost unity in a world shattered by dreams and realities. Somewhere between them, according to the Khazarian princess Ateh, lies God.

Authors: Milorad Pavić, Jan Mikulášek, Kateřina Menclerová

Director: Jan Mikulášek

Dramaturgy: Kateřina Menclerová

Story: Marek Cpin

Translation: Stanislava Sýkorová

Dramaturgical cooperation and assistance: Marek David

Assistant Director: Eliška Houserová


Starring: Jan Kolařík, Ivana Hloužková, Sylvie Krupanská, Vladimír Hauser, Dominik Teleky, Růžena Dvořáková, Tereza Marečková, Ondřej Kokorský, Zdislava Začalková, Kryštof Bartoš, Pavel Zatloukal, Dušan Hřebíček